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About Us

Who We Are

Waikato Multicultural Council Inc. (WMC) was established as an incorporated society in 1990 under the previous name Waikato Ethnic Council and is an affiliate member of New Zealand Federation of Multicultural Councils. WMC is a registered charity and has been operating in the Waikato region for 31 years.

WMC maintains relationships with local and central councils. Waikato Multicultural Council’s overarching purpose is serving diverse communities to create and promote understanding, harmony, better social interaction, ingenuousness, building bridges and inter/intra community tolerance.

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The main objectives

  • To give and receive mutual support and cooperation between and among ethnic groups in the Waikato Region.
  • To support the development of ethnic groups to better integrate with the wider community.
  • To promote and develop multiculturalism.
  • To educate and provide advocacy for ethnic communities.
  • To promote ongoing consultation with wider community for the benefit of society at large especially by involving youth and women.
  • To promote, monitor and participate in the legislative processes especially those affecting the interests of ethnic groups in New Zealand.

What we do

Waikato Multicultural Council has been providing social services to assist the resettlement of migrants and refugees and also for the promotion of cultural diversity in the region over the past several years. It acts as an umbrella and resource body for various ethnic organisations in the Waikato region. WMC also organises informative lectures/seminars/workshops on various issues and subjects. It also helps promote ethnic culture and arts by arranging cultural events like Waikato Multicultural Day and Cultural Village Show.

Partnering with and working

WMC takes part in liaising with government agencies to gather and share information and advocate on behalf of its members. WMC has been partnering with and working collaboratively with:

  1. All ethnic groups in Waikato region
  2. Hamilton City Council
  3. Hamilton Community Police
  4. Department of Internal Affairs
  5. Settlement Centre Waikato
  6. Community Radio
  7. New Zealand Federation of Multicultural Councils, and
  8. Members of Parliament and City Councillors



Key Members

President: Ravinder Powar

Vice President: Jung Mi Ko

Vice President: Jeevan Matthew

Secretary: Jeanie Holland

Assistant: SeungHee Pak

Treasurer: Anil Gupta



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