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Waikato Community Inclusivity Symposium

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The Waikato Community Inclusivity Symposium was held on Saturday the 26th November 2022 at the Gallagher Academy of Performing Arts of University of Waikato from 8.30am to 5.30pm.
Introductions were made by the organiser Associate Professor Dr. Asad Mohsin and the Vice chancellor Professor Neil Quigley made short welcoming comments.
Suldery Millan, social worker at HMS Trust spoke briefly about her refugee journey from Colombia to New Zealand via Ecuador.
Dr Anisur Rahman launched History of the Waikato Muslim Association Book.
Mr. Mervin Singham, chief executive Ministry for Ethnic Communities, spoke on behalf of Minister Priyanca Radhakrishnan to demonstrate support and interest for the symposium.
The keynote speakers were 
1. Muhammad Cajee, partner at Deloitte, introduced by Dr. Anisur Rahman
2. Ms Susan Hassall, principal of Hamilton Boys High School, introduced by Ms Aliya Danzeisen.
Ms Hassall spoke about the Multiculutral Manaaki Centre helping refugee students settle into school.
The final speaker was Mr Farid Ahmed, introduced by Dr. Mustafa Farouk. Mr. Farid Ahmed is a survivor of the Christchurch terror attack and he has authored a book named Husna's Story in honour of his wife.
Questions to Consider during the panel discussions were:
Session 1
What does inclusivity mean to you?
How does inclusivity impact society?
What could be the barriers to inclusivity?
Session 2
What do you perceive are the top societal issues? Why?
Which top 5 societal issues become barriers to an inclusive community? Why?
What resources might be required to tackle the top 5 societal issues?
Session 3
What needs to change in social transformation?
How can deeply ingrained and destructive power dynamics be transformed?
Who are the major stakeholders to bring in social transformation and what are their respective responsibilities
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